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John Service Library services

Here the list of some available JOSP Services.
As tools provided by the JOSP Project we can find the Johnny Services. A set of JOSP Services for different platforms (Web, Mobile, Voice...) that provide all basic features required to manage JOSP Objects, Services and the user's account.
Other services are also available. For a better readability we split all other JOSP Services in four categories based on JOSP Services types: Statistics, Monitor & Control, Automation and Objects orchestration.

Johnny services

JCP Front End

The default Web App to manage a JOSP EcoSystem and all his components, it's included in the John Cloud Platform.

Johnny Android

The JOSP Universal Service for the Android platform.

Johnny iOS

The JOSP Universal Service for the iOS platform.

Johnny Desktop

The JOSP Universal Service for PC and Mac. It supports Linux, Mac and Windows.

Johnny GAssistant

The JOSP Universal Service for the Google voice Assistant.


JOSP 4 Google Workspace

Add on for Google Workspace to get your JOSP Objects' values directly into Google Sheets cells and formulas.

Monitor and Control

JSL Shell

The command line application used for testing JOSP EcoSystems.



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Objects orchestration


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