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JOD Distributions TEMPLATE

The JOD Distribution TEMPLATE is the starting point for Makers to generates custom JOD Distributions.

A JOD Distribution is a compressed folder that contains all libraries, scripts and configuration to run a JOD agent that represent a specific John Object. Generated distributions can be executed on local machine, deployed on remote objects or shared with other users.

JOD Distribution TEMPLATE LifeCycle diagram

A JOD Distribution, once executed, expose represented object's features to the John O.S. Platform Ecosystem.

Any Maker can create a new JOD Distribution simply extracting latest JOD Distribution TEMPLATE artifacts; and then configuring extracted files. After that, Maker can build, tests and publish his own JOD Distributions.

With JOD Distribution TEMPLATE makers can:

  • Create a full working JOD Distribution
  • Customize object's info, configs and structure
  • Choose the JOD versions to use
  • Add custom firmware files
  • Customize JOD Instance management

At JOD Distributions list page of the JOSP Docs, you can find many ready-to-use JOD Distributions. Depending on what you would integrate to the JOSP EcoSystem as an Object, maybe there is already a JOD Distribution for your needs. Otherwise, use them as examples for your custom JOD Distribution.
To publish your own distribution on this list, please contact us at


Each JOD Distribution TEMPLATE can download and build a JOD Distribution using different versions of the JOD agent. Here the table of JOD Distribution TEMPLATE versions and corresponding supported JOD versions.

JOD Distribution TEMPLATE VersionSupported JOD Versions*, 2.2.1, 2.2.1*
1.1.0-DEV2.2.0, 2.2.1, N/D


Any kind of collaboration is welcome! This is an Open Source project, so we are happy to share our experience with other developers, makers and users. Bug reporting, extension development, documentation and guides etc... are activities where anybody can help to improve this project.

You can help us also sharing your own JOD Distribution. Simply send an email to the bellow address and describing your distribution (distribution purpose, setup guide, object's structure, hardware requirements...). Then we will be happy to publish your distribution and help other user.

Please email to


The JOD Distribution TEMPLATE is an open-source project and is distributed with a GPLv3 license.