Other JOD files
All configs files, by default, are contained in the configs/
- jod.yml -> JOD Agent Configs
- perms.jod -> Permissions
- struct.jod -> Structure
JOD Agent sync events and status histories to the JCP.
To allow objects register events and status histories also when are not connected to the JCP, the JOD Agent use files contained in the cache/
- event.jst: object's events cache state
- event.jbe: object's events data
- history.jst: statuses histories data
- history.jbe: statuses histories data
JOD Agent logs are stored in the logs/
File logs are configured as a RollingFile file.
That means, each time the log file reaches the size of 5MB, a new log file is created and the old one is compressed and renamed.
To work properly the JOD Agent requires all his dependencies (Java libraries) available on running machine.
By default, libraries are stored in the libs/
folder of the JOD Agent dir. It can be customized using different Java -classpath
param on executing the JOD Agent's startup command.