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Customize JOD Distribution

A JOD Distribution can represent any kind of object in a JOSP EcoSystem, depending on his configs.

All JOD Distribution projects based on the JOD Dist TMPL, must run the build process to generate their distributable files. So you can configure the build process to customize the output distribution.
The JOD Distribution TEMPLATE provide a main configuration config files. The configs/|ps1 files contains the main distribution's configs like his name, his version, the JOD version to use, the JCP credentials, etc... This file is used by|ps1 script to configure the build process.
On other side, the build process, assemble the distribution using files contained in the dists dir. The JOD Dist TMPL provide all those files. Mandatory files are provided with the right name, so you must only edit existing files. Other, non mandatory files, are provided with _EXAMPLE extension, so you need to rename them to enable them. Those files allow you to configure object, to customize his structure, to inject PRE-POST scripts and to add resources to the assembled distribution.

Here the build process diagram:

JOD Distribution TEMPLATE Build process diagram

At JOD Distributions list page of the JOSP Docs, you can find many ready-to-use JOD Distributions. Depending on what you would integrate to the JOSP EcoSystem as an Object, maybe there is already a JOD Distribution for your needs. Otherwise, use them as examples for your custom JOD Distribution.
To publish your own distribution on this list, please contact us at