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Objects Resources

All files contained in the dists/resources directory will be copied to the destination distribution.

So you can add all required resources, script and files into this directory. It includes also JOD Distribution's documentation.

The JOD Dist TMPl provide also a set of example files and dirs that can be used in your distribution. You can recognize those files because they are contained in the dists/resources/ dir and have the suffix _EXMPL. To activate them and use in your distribution, rename required files and dirs and remove the _EXMPL suffix. Other example's files and dirs can be safely deleted.


Those files allow End User understand and use your JOD Distribution.

The file is the starting point for the end user when he works with your distribution, he looks for distribution's requirements and configs. So, when you describe your distribution, include also requirements specifications and configs descriptions. Here you can also add link to a documentation websites, like to the installation or hardware purchase/DIY pages.

For each of those files the JOD Dist TMPL provide an example file. Rename it and editing according your distribution specifications.


In the dists/resources/scripts dir you can find the example files for all PRE-POST scripts. Rename required hooks and add your commands.

You can find examples and more details on PRE-POST scripts configuration at the PRE-POST Script page.


By default, distribution firmware is placed in the dists/resources/scripts/hw directory. Here you can put scripts, executables and related resources. Then you can easily access them from FirmwareProtocol's configuration.

JOD Agent is always executed using's directory as working dir. That means FirmwareProtocols's configurations can referer to firmware scripts or other resources with the relative path scripts/hw/*. In the following example a RangeState pillar is configured with 'shell' FirmwareProtocol to use scripts/hw/ script for pulling RangeState's value.

struct.jod: RangeState/Shell @ JOD PC Linux
"CPU MPStat" : {
"type": "RangeState",
"puller" : "shell://cmd=scripts/hw/;freq=30",
"min": "0",
"max": "100"

docs and media

Those directories are default location for detailed docs and media resources.