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JOD Pillar Range

The range pillar can represent a value in a range. Range states can represent a number (with flating point)

Range state value can be any number like integer or floating. State Range's value is stored by JOD instance as double variable (a double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point) and encoded to JOSP messages with the JavaFormatter::doubleToStr() method.

An example for a Pillar Range State can be a temperature sensor that provide values between -20 and 100 (°C). This pillar send a status update message to JOSP Services every time sensord detect a different temperature.

Meanwhile the example for a Pillar Range Action can be a dimmerable lamp with a Bringness and Darkness actions. JOSP Service can send action request to this pillar to set specific value, increase/decrease current value, set min/max current value.

You can use this Pillar to expose hundreds of different features representing them as Range states and actions like temperatures, speaker volumes, resource usage...

Range State can be configured to use any kind of Workers as listener or puller. Because all Listeners and Pullers use the AbsJODWorker::convertAndSetStatus(String) method to parse and update current pillar status (independently to the pillar type).

On the other side, the Range Actions can be configured to use as executor only Workers that implements the JODRangeAction.JOSPRange.Executor interface:

  • Shell: on action request received, execute configured bash or powershell command
  • File: on action request received, write configured value to a file
  • Http: on action request received, query configured url


The Boolean Pillar can be configured with following fields:

Field NameDescription
NameThe name of the component. This filed is always set as JSON element's name.
DescrThe description of the component.
TypeThe component type. It must be BooleanState.
MinThe minimum value reachable.
MaxThe maximum value reachable.
StepThe step value is used to increase/decrease current value by correspective actions.


struct.jod: RangeState/File @ JOD PC Windows
"CPU" : {
"type": "RangeState",
"listener" : "file://path=status/cpu.txt",
"min": "0",
"max": "100"
struct.jod: RangeState/Shell @ JOD PC Linux
"CPU MPStat" : {
"type": "RangeState",
"puller" : "shell://cmd=scripts/hw/;freq=30",
"min": "0",
"max": "100"
struct.jod: RangeState/Http @ JOD Meteo Web
"Temperature" : {
"type": "RangeState",
"puller" : "http://requestUrl='${JOD_MWO_LOCATION}&units=metric&appid=03317c1f2de6827424efd170890ffd3c';formatType=JSON;formatPath='$.main.temp';formatPathType=JSONPATH;freq=600",
"min": "-50",
"max": "100"
struct.jod: RangeAction/File @ JOD Struct default file
"Action 0-50" : {
"type": "RangeAction",
"listener" : "file://path=status/%C_NAME%_State.txt",
"executor" : "file://path=status/%C_NAME%_State.txt",
"min": "0",
"max": "50",
"step": "5"
struct.jod: RangeAction/Shell @ JOD PC Mac
"Volume" : {
"type": "RangeAction",
"puller" : "shell://cmd=osascript -e 'output volume of (get volume settings)';freq=1",
"executor" : "shell://cmd=osascript -e 'set volume output volume %VAL%'",
"min": "0",
"max": "100",
"step": "5"
struct.jod: RangeAction/Http @ JOD Philips Hue
"Brightness": {
"type": "RangeAction",
"puller": "http://requestUrl='https://philips-hue-tres.local/api/Xex9YLRxERFf0TliilWFj3LkmjtCd2iGLmQSktYY/lights/1';formatType=JSON;formatPath='$.state.bri';formatPathType=JSONPATH;requestIgnoreSSLHosts=true;",
"executor": "http://requestUrl='http://philips-hue-tres.local/api/Xex9YLRxERFf0TliilWFj3LkmjtCd2iGLmQSktYY/lights/1/state';requestVerb=PUT;formatType=JSON;formatPath='$.[0].success';formatPathType=JSONPATH;requestIgnoreSSLHosts=true;requestBody='{\"bri\":%VAL_INT%}'",
"min": "0",
"max": "254",
"step": "25"