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JCP Front End Execute JOSP Object's action

Once you added a new JOSP Object or another user shared an object with you, you can list all object's pillars and you can send action requests.

From the Objects section of the JCP Front End, click on the JOSP Object's name to open the object's page.
Here, near each Action pillar, there is a UI control. A switcher for Boolean Actions, a slider for Range Actions. If you can't see it, unfold the object's structure.
Each time you click on one of those controls, it send an action request. After a moment you should se the UI control update his state as feed back that the action was executed successfully.

Because you can browse the object's also when it's offline (not connected to the JCP). When you try to send to an offline object an action request, the JCP Front End display an error.

In the status history page a graph display the object's status time-series. You can download that time-series data clicking on the Download link in the Details (3 vertical dots) menu.