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JCP Front End Show JOSP Object's structure

Once you added a new JOSP Object or another user shared an object with you, you can show what feature that object exposes to your JOSP EcoSystem.

From the Objects section of the JCP Front End, click on the JOSP Object's name to open the object's page.
Here, after some object's properties, you can find the object's structure.

Each feature exposed by the JOSP Object is displayed as a Pillar in the object's structure. For each State pillars you can see his actual state and access to his details. For Action pillars, in addition, you can also use the displayed UI control to send action requests to the object.

Because you can browse the object's also when it's offline (not connected to the JCP). When an object's is offline, his page display latest values received. On object's reconnection (to the JCP) all values will be updates.

You can download the structure's data clicking on the Download link in the Details (3 vertical dots) menu. This data represent a snapshot of the JOSP Object (structure and all values) at the moment that you download it.