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JCP Front End Share JOSP Object with other users

Once you added a new JOSP Object, you can edit the object's permission and share it with other users.

From the Objects section of the JCP Front End, click on the JOSP Object's name to open the object's page.
Here, on the top of the page, in the Details (3 vertical dots) menu, click on Access control link.

To add new permission open the Share with menu and select one of the available options:

  • Share with a friend: open a add permission dialog with empty values
  • Make object public locally: open an add permission dialog with preset values to share the object with #All users and #All services only on LocalComm
  • Make object public globally: open an add permission dialog with preset values to share the object with #All users and #All services for LocalAndCloud

Independently from which option you chose an 'add permission' dialog will be displayed and you can edit it before add the permission to the object. Here are displayed the 4 permission configs: Connection type, Access level, service and user ids.

A user (user_id) using the JOSP Service (service_id) can access to a specific JOSP Object, only if that object have a permission that allow current service/user pair access to the object. Each permission define a server/user pair, the access level granted (None, State, Action, CoOwner) and the connection type to apply the permission.
Service and user ids can be replaced with placeholders ('#All' and '#Owner' for user id and only '#All' for services), so the permission can be applied to multiple services and/or users.
The connection type can limit the permission to JOSP Services connected only via Direct communication.

More info on [JOSP Permission](/what(josp/permissions) page.

Once you configured the new permission, you can click on the create button. After a moment the new permission is added to the object' permission list.

Because you can browse the object's also when it's offline (not connected to the JCP). You can display offline object's permissions but you can't edit them.

You can download a copy of object's permissions clicking on the Download link in the Details (3 vertical dots) menu.