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JCP Front End List available JOSP Object

From the JCP front End home page go to the Objects section, then you can filter all available objects.

If you are logged in, here are listed all JOSP Objects that you own (Current user is the object's owner) or that another user shared with you (Current user and JCP Front End service have at least STATE permission).
If you are NOT logged in, then only public JOSP Objects are displayed. Public objects are all JOSP Objects that grant at least the STATE permission to '#All' users and current JOSP Service ('jcp-fe' service's id or '#All' placeholder).

In the Objects section of the JCP Front End you can filter available JOSP Objects using UI controls on the beginning of the page.

Checkboxes allow you to fast filter objects by object's owner (My Objects or Objects shared with me) or their connection state (Disconnected objects).
Other two controls allow you to filter objects by name/id (also partially) or by object's model.