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JOD Worker Listener File

This listener monitors path file and read his content on any file change , then update the JOD State.

When it detect a file change, it read the file content and pass it as new Pillar's state, independently to the Pillar's type.

Firmware Configs


File path to monitoring. It's mandatory.

During Listener File initialization, it check if path's parent directory exist. If not then the worker create it.

This property is updated with Pillar's Placeholder on worker initialization.


struct.jod: BoolenState/File
"State On/Off" : {
"type": "BooleanState",
"listener" : "file://path=status/stateOnOff.txt"
struct.jod: RangeState/File @ JOD PC Windows
"CPU" : {
"type": "RangeState",
"listener" : "file://path=status/cpu.txt",
"min": "0",
"max": "100"