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JOD Worker Puller Shell

Each freq seconds, this puller execute the cmd using the JavaExecProcess::execCmd(String cmd) method , then update the JOD State.

Before execute the command, the cmd string is updated and all his placeholder are replaced with current Pillar and State properties.
Once executed the shell command, it takes his output and pass it as new Pillar's state, independently to the Pillar's type.

Firmware Configs


String containing the shell command to execute via JavaExecProcess::execCmd(String cmd) method. It's mandatory.

The cmd string can contain any available command on running machine and his all params.
It also support piped command (|) for example echo "hello world" | sed 's/world/john/g'.

Following redirects ar not supported:

  • cmd >> out.txt
  • cmd > out.txt
  • cmd &> out.txt
  • cmd > out.txt 2> err.txt

This property is updated with Pillar's Placeholder on worker initialization and with State Placeholder on pulling state.


Pulling frequency in seconds. By default '5'.

This property is updated with Pillar's Placeholder on worker initialization.


struct.jod: BoolenState/Shell
"State On/Off" : {
"type": "BooleanState",
"puller" : "shell://cmd=osascript -e 'output muted of (get volume settings)';freq=1"
struct.jod: RangeState/Shell @ JOD PC Linux
"CPU MPStat" : {
"type": "RangeState",
"puller" : "shell://cmd=scripts/hw/;freq=30",
"min": "0",
"max": "100"