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JOD Workers Placeholders

With Worker Configs Placeholder, Makers can setup dynamic configs for their Pillar's firmware.

For example, using the worker's placeholders, you can setup a File Listener worker that use the Pillar's name (%C_NAME%) in the monitored file path. Or even you can configure a HTTP Puller to use the pillar's path (%C_PATH).

Worker Placeholders are substituted to Firmware Configs on worker initialization. When worker parses the Firmware Configs String, from the pillar's definition in the JOD Agent's structure. This string is defined by Maker in the object's configuration.
Firmware Configs are parsed using the AbsJODWorker::parseConfig{TYPE}(Map,String) methods. Those methods substitute string config's value placeholders with Pillar properties, then convert resulting value to required {TYPE}.
So any Firmware Configs is updated with Component properties.

Placeholders can are replaced also when the worker must done his work (listen, pull a state or execute an action).
Depending on worker implementation, it can update some Firmware Config with State or Action (only on action execution) properties.
Check the worker's documentation for placeholder replacement info.


This placeholder are replaced with properties from the Pillar that use current Worker.

Those placeholders are always replaced in almost all Firmware Configs on worker initialization.

PlaceholderReplaced with
%C_NAME%Pillar name
%C_TYPE%Pillar type ('BooleanState', 'RangeAction'...)
%C_PATH%Pillar full path
%PARENT_NAME%Pillar's parent name, 'N/A' for root component.
%PARENT_PATH%Pillar's parent full path, 'N/A' for root component.


States Placeholders allow to use Pillar's value in puller and executors workers.

A puller can use current value to query the updated one. Or an executor should now current value before update the new one.

Those placeholders are replaced only in certainly Firmware Configs during worker job execution (pulling or execute).
Check the worker's Firmware Configs details for placeholder replacement info.

Only for Pillar of Boolean type:

PlaceholderReplaced with
%VAL%Pillar value that correspond to 'True' or 'False' strings.
%VAL_BOOL%Pillar value that correspond to 'True' or 'False' strings.
%VAL_BIN%Pillar value that correspond to '1' (true) or '0' (false).

Only for Pillar of Range type:

PlaceholderReplaced with
%VAL%Pillar value that correspond to a valid number rendered with the JavaFormatter.doubleToStr(double) function.
%VAL_COMMA%Pillar value that correspond to a valid number rendered with the JavaFormatter.doubleToStr_Point(double) function.
%VAL_POINT%Pillar value that correspond to a valid number rendered with the JavaFormatter.doubleToStr_Comma(double) function.


Action Placeholders allow to use Action Request params in executors workers.

Action Request params include info such as the (new) value to set and the (old) current Pillar's state. Moreover you can find other info about Action Request like the JOSP Service's id that send the request and the User's id that was using the service.

Those placeholders are replaced only in certainly Firmware Configs during executor job execution (execute).
Check the worker's Firmware Configs details for placeholder replacement info.

For all Actions Requests:

PlaceholderReplaced with
%SRV_ID%JOSP Service's id that required the action execution.
%USR_ID%JOSP User's id that required the action execution.

Only for Actions Requests on Pillar of Boolean Action type:

PlaceholderReplaced with
%VAL%Value to set, requested by Action Execution. This value can be one of the two 'true' or 'false' strings.
%VAL_BOOL%Value to set, requested by Action Execution. This value can be one of the two 'True' or 'False' strings.
%VAL_BIN%Value to set, requested by Action Execution. This value can be one of the two '1' (true) or '0' (false) strings.
%VAL_OLD%Current pillar value, before Action Execution. This value can be one of the two 'true' or 'false' strings.
%VAL_OLD_BOOL%Current pillar value, before Action Execution. This value can be one of the two 'True' or 'False' strings.
%VAL_OLD_BIN%Current pillar value, before Action Execution. This value can be one of the two '1' (true) or '0' (false) strings.

For Actions Requests on Pillar of Range Action type:

PlaceholderReplaced with
%VAL%Value to set, requested by Action Execution. This value can be a valid number rendered with the JavaFormatter.doubleToStr(double) function.
%VAL_POINT%Value to set, requested by Action Execution. This value can be a valid number rendered with the JavaFormatter.doubleToStr(double) function.
%VAL_COMMA%Value to set, requested by Action Execution. This value can be a valid number rendered with the JavaFormatter.doubleToStr(double) function.
%VAL_INT%Value to set, requested by Action Execution. This value can be a valid number rendered with the JavaFormatter.doubleToStr_Truncated(double) function.
%VAL_OLD%Current pillar value, before Action Execution. This value can be a valid number rendered with the JavaFormatter.doubleToStr(double) function.
%VAL_OLD_POINT%Current pillar value, before Action Execution. This value can be a valid number rendered with the JavaFormatter.doubleToStr(double) function.
%VAL_OLD_COMMA%Current pillar value, before Action Execution. This value can be a valid number rendered with the JavaFormatter.doubleToStr(double) function.
%VAL_OLD_INT%Current pillar value, before Action Execution. This value can be a valid number rendered with the JavaFormatter.doubleToStr_Truncated(double) function.